Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Curtiss plop

This is my new home!!!  (Or at least down the street from it).  It's warm every day, usually sunny, and if it's not sunny you may be able to catch a rainbow on the way home.   I moved here 2 weeks ago exactly, and as a friend of mine said "So you're going to go contemplate life." Yes, I am.  I am contemplating life on a gorgeous tropical island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean - which is bigger then all the earths land mass combined.  And do you know what?  Life is beautiful!  How not?

The air has a tang of salt, the breeze cools down the hot sun, and the best part... There are humpback whales everywhere!!!  For those of you who don't know - I LOVE WHALES!!!  Always have always will. So to top off the illustrious tropical colors, when I sit on the beach I look out for whales.

First there's the blowhole mist signaling their presence.  Then a breach!  And a huge white bellied whale flies into the air and smack! throws its gigantic body onto the water.  (not unlike how dudes drop onto couch's - my mom likes to call it the Curtiss plop but I think it's more widespread then that)  Sometimes you will see a boat speeding up to the whales... a whale watching tour, mostly though they're playing around alone.  The whales can hang out for a while,  but at the end of the show they will dive down with a last slap of the tale - saying 'until next time'.  

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